Our Story

When I was little, I visited my grandmother often. I remember she used to make these juicy, yummy cooked fruits, as she had all sorts of digestive problems. This was an easier way of getting fruits in her diet. She almost always had some sitting on her stovetop. Oh, how I loved eating them! This home recipe inspired me to start creating my own cooked fruit sauces.

Once I started learning more about the ingredients within the jellies, jams and fruit yogurts I was buying, I realized how many of these unrecognized ingredients were the leading causes of Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Gastrointestinal and Digestive issues, Cancer, and many more.

My daughter started dealing with digestive issues and was diagnosed with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth). Many of her friends were dealing with similar conditions such as GERD, IBS, Ulcerative colitis...etc. They have many food sensitivities to watch out for in their diets now so I wanted something simple, organic, gluten-free, vegan that was not only easy to digest, but even helpful for these digestive issues. My daughter, similar to my grandmother, now also gets fruits in her diet through our delicious, easily digestible fruit sauce. I began thinking, what if I could add my organic, clean fruit sauce to my plain yogurt and customize my own clean, fruit yogurt?

I soon replaced the fruit yogurt, jellies and jams in our house with my fruit sauce and we've never looked back! It soon became a breakfast topper, dessert topper, added clean fruit flavor to our mixed drinks when friends/family come over and more! I know exactly what's in it - organic fruits with a touch of maple syrup and lemon to brighten the flavor. It tastes delicious, I get the health benefits of eating fruit, without all of the harmful side effects from the sugar filled fruit yogurts, jams and jellies. We strive to make our products clean and nutritious, yet flavorful and delicious! We've carried these same values in our granola recipes and other toppers we have in the works!

Meet the Founders

Mother-daughter duo, Gilda and Niki Reitano are the proud founders of Nature’s Toppers.