• 80% of the population are Pre-Diabetic!

    Fortunately this can be reversed. Click "Article" to learn more

  • Why SUGAR is bad for you.

    5 reasons why sugar is bad for you. Consuming a natural source of sugar is better for health. Click "Article" to learn more

  • 11 Disgusting Ingredients in Your Foods.

    There are over 300 "Natural Flavors"! These are present in so many products. You will be shocked to find how many of the current products you buy has”Natural Flavors” as an ingredient! Click “Video” to learn more

  • Your jam has more sugar than fruit.

    Pectin is bitter, so you need more sugar to compensate, sometimes up to 80% & more! In the end, Click on “Article” to learn more

  • Processed Foods promote OVEREATING!

    These foods tend to be higher in calories, salt, fat, and added sugars. Plus, they contain additives such as "Flavor" enhancers and "thickeners".Click on “Article” to learn more

  • Why switch to LOW-SUGAR?

    Your best bet is to prevent glycation in the first place by eating a healthy diet that is low in sugar. Click on “Article” to learn more

  • "If ingested, call Poison control"!

    says on the box of "TSP"! YET, this chemical is found as one of the TOP ingredient in our kid's cereal!

    Click “Article” to learn more

  • Why is Titanium Dioxide used in snacks?

    The main reason to add this chemical, is to make food brighter or more vibrant in color! They have banned this chemical in Europe but not in US!

    Click “Article” to learn more

  • Regenerative Farming

    Can help the World! Regenerative agriculture is a way of farming that focuses on soil health.

    Click “Article” to learn more

“Clean & Nutritious, YET, Flavorful & Delicious”

Our mission is to provide the highest quality products from Nature by offering products the are:

For more of these Health Facts, Please follow us on Instagram.


Together, let’s take small steps towards fighting against Diabetes, Obesity, Heart Disease, Cancer and all other chronic illnesses.

We will work hard to bring your FOCUS on “Food For Health” by sharing facts like above